Media Release – Review of Compulsory Voting Local Council Election

November 8, 2022

The Legislative Council will today debate a motion from the Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb calling for the State Government to hold a comprehensive evaluation review of the impact of compulsory voting for the first time in local government elections.

Ms Webb emphasised her proposed review is not intended to revisit whether compulsory voting should be used for local council elections.

“I want the review to focus on how well the transition occurred from non-compulsory to compulsory,” Ms Webb said.

“A post-election review of the local council elections is a constructive way to engage with Tasmanians to identify what worked well and any areas for improvement before the next round of council elections.

“There was little opportunity for consultation with the Local Government sector or the broader community in the 11 days between the reform being announced by the Minister and the legislation passing the Upper House.

“I am hopeful the Government will act in good faith, and encourage ongoing community engagement with their democracy by supporting the establishment of this post-election review.”


Motion text:

Ms Webb MLC to move that the Legislative Council notes:

1. Notes that the Tasmanian Local Government elections held in October 2022 were the first local government elections held in this state in which voting was compulsory;

2. Notes the government’s acknowledgement during debate on the Local Government Amendment (Elections) Bill 2022, that:

a) the introduction of compulsory voting for council elections had not been consulted with the local government sector or more broadly prior to the government’s announced intention to introduce legislative reforms to enact it;
b) the rushed parliamentary debate was not ideal, but necessary to enable the voting reforms to be implemented in time for the October local council elections;
c) the tight timeframe between the Act commencing on the 16th of June and the Tasmanian Electoral Commission (TEC) issue on the 3rd of September of the formal notice of election for the local government polls, by which the community had to adjust to the new compulsory voting requirements and any associated ramifications; and further

3. Requests the Minister for Local Government undertakes a comprehensive evaluation review of the implementation of compulsory voting in the 2022 local government elections and any matters arising, that:

a) Provides a public consultation process;
b) Engages with the local government sector, and the broader community;
c) Is separate and additional to the Tasmanian Electoral Commission’s standard procedural Report on Elections;
d) Is adequately resourced; and
e) The final report of which is to be tabled in both Houses of Parliament once the Minister has received and considered its findings.


See more of Meg’s media releases.