Media Release: Upper House Independents Listen and Act for Communities on DAPs

November 29, 2024

Upper House Independents Listen and Act for Communities on DAPs

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb said today the Rockliff Government must now work cooperatively and respectfully with both the State local government sector and the community should they wish to breath life into their failed Development Assessment Panels (DAPs) push.

“This vote defeating the fundamentally anti-democratic and flawed DAP Bill reflected the benefit of having a range of Independent MLCs unincumbered by pre-set positions who could instead listen to, hear and stand up for their respective communities,” Ms Webb said.

“It is very telling that the entire Assembly crossbench and the range of Upper House independents both voted against this poor proposal of the government.

“The demise of the DAP Bill should send a loud message to the Rockliff government that bullying and vilifying key stakeholders such as councils, LGAT, and community representatives does not work and is unacceptable.”

Ms Webb said it was very clear local councils and the Upper House think the concept of DAPs could be a positive thing as long as it facilitates good planning process and genuine stakeholder and community engagement.

“This vote provides an opportunity for the Premier and Minister to demonstrate maturity, and work respectfully and co-operatively with the local government sector. The ball is in their court.”

The Legislative Council vote defeating the government’s contentious Land Use Planning and Approvals Amendment (Development Assessment Panels) Bill 2024 was 8 Noes (all Independents plus Greens MLCs ) vs 6 Yes (Liberal and Labor MLCs).

View Meg delivering her Second Reading speech on the DAPs Bill in the Legislative Council on the 28th of Novemebr 2024, and the transcript of her speech, here