Media Release – Will lessons be learned over the proposed AFL stadium fiasco?

May 13, 2023

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb said today the onus is now on the Rockliff government to earn back Tasmanians’ trust by committing to full transparency on the AFL Stadium deal.

Ms Webb will today address the Hobart Rally to Stop the Stadium.

“Premier Jeremy Rockliff must commit to a full public planning process for any proposed development for Macquarie Point,” Ms Webb said. “The loss of two backbenchers over transparency concerns is a case of chickens coming home to roost for Mr Rockliff and his government.

“Arrogance has brought the government to its parliamentary knees. They arrogantly dismissed the concerns, questions and warnings raised by many Tasmanians from all walks of life over this issue.

“Mr Rockliff bulldozed ahead with prioritising a stadium over the growing number of Tasmanians facing daily food insecurity, homelessness, housing insecurity, and inability to secure affordable timely health care. With this overweening arrogance came a disregard for due diligence, proper inclusive process, accountability and transparency.”

Ms Webb said the onus is now on the Premier and his government to reinject care and respect for community concerns.

“A considered government with integrity would immediately commit to publicly releasing all aspects of deals with the Federal Government and AFL. They would put any proposed project for Macquarie Point through a full public planning approval process – one that also includes rights of appeal.

“If Tasmanians are shut out of the stadium planning approval process, blocked from any right to appeal and the process evades full Parliamentary consideration and scrutiny, there will be no mandate for this stadium, no social licence and no credibility left for this fatally flawed Government.”

Ms Webb said this shouldn’t have become such an embarrassing fiasco.

“An in-touch, responsive and responsible government would have listened to the community concerns long before self-combustion occurred.

“But we have yet to see whether the lessons have been learned.”