Article-Report Quashes Any Hope

Article-Report Quashes Any Hope

The Saturday Mercury | 13 April 2024; pg 8.Report Quashes any HopeDavid KillickThe findings in the Blake Report, released on Friday, had done little to restore hope to victim-survivors and children’s advocates, AshleyDetenton Centre whistleblower Alysha told the...

Article-Rockliff ‘Bullying’ New MPs

Article-Rockliff ‘Bullying’ New MPs

The Mercury | 12 April 2024; pg 7.Rockliff 'bullying' new membersDavid KillickNon-government politicians have called on Jacqui Lambie Network MPs to tear up a deal they have signed with the government – saying the new parliamentarians have been duped.Premier Jeremy...

Media Release: Liberal-JLN Agreement Sells Parliament and Voters Short

Media Release: Liberal-JLN Agreement Sells Parliament and Voters Short

Liberal-JLN Agreement Sells Parliament and Voters Short11 April 2024Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb said the Jacquie Lambie Network (JLN) MPs should use the narrow window before the Rockliff government is recommissioned to walk away from the Agreement, and...

Briefing Paper – Analysis of Rockliff-JLN Agreement

Briefing Paper – Analysis of Rockliff-JLN Agreement

Analysis of the Rockliff-JLN AgreementThe Rockliff-JLN Agreement was released publicly on the 10th of April 2024.  On the 11th of April, Meg Webb MLC released her analysis of that Agreement.[pdf-embedder...

Article-‘No Consent’ for Museum to keep Autopsy Samples

Article-‘No Consent’ for Museum to keep Autopsy Samples

The Australian | 4 April 2024; pg 3.'No Consent' for Museum to keep Autopsy SamplesMatthew DenholmA museum appears to have kept samples from 147 coronial autopsies for research for three decades, potentially without consent, prompting an investigation and demands for...

Online Article-Public sector chief walks away

Online Article-Public sector chief walks away

The Mercury online | 25 March 2024. Controversial public sector chief walks away from $545k per year jobTassie’s top public servant quits her $545k job after more than four decades working in the public sector. Here’s why. The head of the state’s public service has...

Media Comment: Reaction to DPAC Secretary Resignation

Media Comment: Reaction to DPAC Secretary Resignation

Reaction to DPAC Secretary Resignation25 March 2024Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb MLC has called for the replacement DPAC Secretary to be recruited from interstate and appointed by agreement of all parliamentary party leaders.“Parliament, the public service...

Talking Point-The Standard You Vote For is the Standard You Accept

Talking Point-The Standard You Vote For is the Standard You Accept

Talking Point | The Mercury | 22 March 2024 AIM HIGH ON POLLING DAY BECAUSE THE STANDARD WE VOTE FOR IS THE STANDARD WE ACCEPTPick Candidates Suitable to a Collaborative Parliament, writes Meg Webb.Former Australian of the Year General David Morrison made the powerful...

ABC TV News Report – Police Abuse Complaints

ABC TV News Report – Police Abuse Complaints

Watch the ABC TV news report of Tuesday 19 March 2024, during which Meg raises concerns over revelations contained in Right to Information documents, indicating the former Police Minister was made aware of serious child abuse allegations against former police officer...

Opinion Piece-Gender Lens provides better budget equality

Opinion Piece-Gender Lens provides better budget equality

Opinion Piece| The Hobart Observer | 12 March 2024; pg 15.Women's History Month FeatureGender Lens Reveals Better Budget Equality, writes Meg Webb MLC.WOMEN’S History Month encourages us to learn more about the stories behind working for greater gender equality.The...

Media Release: Election Pork-barrelling demonstrates lack of integrity

Media Release: Election Pork-barrelling demonstrates lack of integrity

Pork-barrelling demonstrates lack of integrity11 March 2024Independent for Nelson Meg Webb today condemned the lack of integrity demonstrated by Liberal Party election announcements of funding commitments to community and sporting groups, a practice previously...

Media Release: Election Integrity Lessons Ignored by Major Parties

Media Release: Election Integrity Lessons Ignored by Major Parties

Integrity Lessons Ignored by Major Parties7 March 2024Independent for Nelson Meg Webb today called on all parties to put integrity at the forefront in this election campaign when making promises and announcing funding commitments.“Halfway through this election...