Media Release – Minimum Age of Detention

June 8, 2022

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb today welcomed the announcement Tasmania will move to raise the minimum age for detention from 10 years to 14 years.

“However, I also urge the Tasmanian Government to also raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 14,” Ms Webb said.

“While it is a positive step acknowledging the long-term damage and trauma detention inflicts on children, this announcement is too little, too slow.

“There is no good reason to not raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility, and by failing to do so, Tasmania remains non-compliant with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

“Reflecting the international pressure growing for the minimum criminal responsibility age to be increased to 14, the Upper House voted in support of my motion in October last year calling for Tasmania to do so.

“Studies have shown that the younger children are when they encounter the justice system, the more likely they are to reoffend.  We set them on the path.”

Ms Webb said children do not belong in the criminal justice system. 

“To have them there is not smart justice – it is not compassionate justice.  It does not serve our community.

“This partial reform announced today shows the Government is aware of the damage incarceration on young people inflicts.

“But it also makes it bewildering that they shirk their responsibility to undertake the full reforms needed by raising the criminal responsible age to 14 as well.”

Text of Ms Webb’s debate in the Legislative Council, 26 October 2021 here


Media Contact: A.Mark Thomas, M&M Communications, 0422 006 732


See more of Meg’s media releases here.