Question – National Driver Licence Facial Recognition Solution

October 15, 2020

Questions asked by the Hon Meg Webb MLC on 15 October 2020. Answered  by the Hon Michael Ferguson Minister for Infrastructure and Transport on 11 Nov 2020.  

With regard to the National Driver Licence Facial Recognition Solution (NDLFRS):

Question 1. Can the Government provide details on—

(a)     the total number of Tasmanian drivers’ licences images and associated data provided to the NDLFRS; and

(b)     the timeframe during which that Tasmanian information was and/or continues to be provided to the NDLFRS system?

Answer (1)(a)      All Tasmanian driver licences are replicated in the secure Tasmanian segment of the NDLFRS. As at 20 October 2020, there are 442 744 Tasmanian driver licences, accessible only by the Tasmanian Department of State Growth.

Answer (1)(b)      Tasmania’s segment of the NDLFRS was initially loaded with data in December 2018 and continues to be maintained.

Question 2(a) Given the absence of the necessary national legislation, are Tasmanian drivers’ licences images and associated data currently still being provided to the NDLFRS system;

(b)     if not, please advise the date it ceased; and

(c)     if so, why is that the case?

Answer (2)(a)   The data continues to be replicated to a segment of the NDLFRS managed by and only accessible to the Tasmanian Department of State Growth. No further access has been granted to this data.

Answer (2)(b)    N/A

Answer (2)(c)      Once fully implemented, with all appropriate legislative protections and provisions, Tasmanians will be at the forefront in protection from identity fraud, a crime costing the nation in excess of $3.1 billion annually. Tasmanians will directly benefit from this initiative when operational.

Question (3)     With regard to the following classes of Tasmanian drivers’ licences images and associated data to the NDLFRS can the Government provide (a) the details on data provided and (b) the number for each class:

(a)     renewal of full drivers licences;

(b)     new drivers licences,

(c)     new provisional drivers licences; and

(d)     current drivers licences granted prior to 2017?

Answer (3)   The data that is stored and only available to the Department of State Growth, for all licence holders, is: Surname, Other Names, Date of Birth, Licence Number, Expiry Status and Image, noting the class of licence is not replicated.

Answer (3)(a)      There have been 377 140 driver licence renewals from 1 January 2017 to 20 October 2020.

Answer (3)(b)      29 276 full driver licences were issued in the period 1 January 2017 to 20 October 2020 including clients who have moved from Provisional to Full licence holders.

Answer (3)(c)      There were 25 829 Provisional driver licences issued from 1 January 2017 to 20 October 2020, noting a number of these holders are now Full licence holders.

Answer (3)(d)      As at 20 October 2020, 348 857 Tasmanians with an active driver licence obtained their licence in Tasmania prior to 1 January 2017.

Question (4)     Can the Government detail the privacy, legislative and other provisions applied to the collation and supply to the national database of Tasmanians drivers’ licence images and associated data?

Answer (4)   Each aspect of the Face Matching Services program has been subject to an Independent Privacy Impact The power to store the data exists under the Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999 for the initial purpose of maintaining integrity of driver licences.

Question (5)     (a)     Given the absence of the necessary national legislation for the operation of the NDLFRS, will the Government recall Tasmanians’ data already provided; and

(b)     if not, why not?

Answer (5)(a)      The absence of the national legislation is a matter for Federal Parliament to determine and only after that has occurred would Tasmania participate in the national system.

Answer (5)(b)      The work completed will ensure Tasmanians will be at the forefront of digital identity management and will receive the personal protection benefits this will provide, specifically, protection from identity fraud. Facial recognition is used widely to protect key photo identity documents utilised in the Australian community, including Passports and Visas, and currently by three other driver licensing jurisdictions which have run their own facial recognition programs for a number of years.

Question (6)     In response to Legislative Council Petition No. 33 of 2020 the Government has stated that “Tasmanian legislation fully supports the use for the purpose reflected in this bill”.  Will any eventual national legislation be tabled in the Tasmanian parliament?

Answer (6)    It is not intended to table the Commonwealth Legislation as application legislation in Tasmania.

Question (7)     (a)     Can the Government guarantee there will be a moratorium on any use of Tasmanian drivers’ licence images and any associated data currently transferred to the NDLFRS, until such transfer is authorised under an Act of the Tasmanian Parliament; and

(b)     if not, why not?

Answer  (7)(a)      On passing of the Commonwealth Legislation, Tasmanian Legislation will be reviewed to confirm that it complements and supports this legislation. Until such time, the Tasmanian data is not accessible by any other government or authority and remains secure in a separate segment.

Answer (7)(b)      Use of the data will not occur until the Commonwealth Legislation has passed and Tasmanian Legislation is reviewed.

Question (8)     (a)     Can the Government guarantee there will be a moratorium on any future transfer and use of new Tasmanian drivers’ licence images and any associated data, until such transfer is authorised under an Act of the Tasmanian Parliament; and

    (b)     if not, why not?

Answer (8)(a)      The Tasmanian Legislation will be reviewed in context of the Commonwealth Legislation. There will be no access provided to the data to any party other than the Department of State Growth until this occurs.

Answer (8)(b)      The Department of State Growth will continue to maintain records that are stored within the secure Tasmanian segment of the NDLFRS. This will ensure Tasmanians to obtain the benefits of improved identity protection as soon as Face Matching Services is extended to enable validation of driver licences.

Read Meg’s Media Release regarding the National Driver Licence Facial Recognition Solution