What Tasmanians think about the Government’s pokies reform

EMRS was commissioned to undertake polling relating to Tasmanians’ views on key aspects of poker machine reform. The research was conducted from 7th – 9th August 2021.  1,000 Tasmanian residents were interviewed and responses weighted to reflect the Tasmanian adult population.

Financial assistance to commission this polling was provided by Sir Max Bingham, Tim Jacobson and Greg James.

Click here to read the media release 

This polling showed:

  • The Liberal Government is completely at odds with the views of the vast majority of Tasmanians when it comes to fundamental aspects of its gaming reforms.
  • Consistent views are held on poker machine reform throughout the Tasmanian community – across regions, age and gender, income levels and most strikingly across voting patterns.
  • Both the Liberal Government and the Labor Party have a mandate to make a fresh start on poker machine reform; to make good policy and legislation based on expert advice that will have the support of the vast majority of the Tasmanian people.

Results highlights:

  • Four in five Liberal voters and four in five Labor voters think casino poker machines should be taxed at the same rate as hotel poker machines.
  • 71% of Liberal voters and 71% of Labor voters support lowering maximum bets to $1
  • Eight in ten Liberal voters and nine in ten Labor voters think licensing changes to poker machines should include consumer protection and harm minimisation.

Read the EMRS report here

Click Here for more detailed data from the polling

Q. Do you think that poker machines in casinos and in hotels should be taxed at the same rate?

OVERALL RESULT: YES = 81%   No = 7%

Liberal voters 81%
Labor voters 81%
Greens voters 91%
Bass 80%
Braddon 82%
Clark 86%
Franklin 79%
Lyons 80%

(NB: those who answered ‘No’ to Q above were then asked “Would you support or oppose poker machines in casinos being taxed at a lower rate than poker machines in hotels?”
TOTAL OPPOSE = 54% ; total support = 17%)

Q. Do you think the licensing changes to poker machines in Tasmania should include consumer protection and harm minimisation in the legislation?

OVERALL RESULT: YES = 85%    No = 6%

Liberal voters 81%
Labor voters 89%
Greens voters 98%
Bass 79%
Braddon 85%
Clark 91%
Franklin 86%
Lyons 84%

Q. Poker machines currently have a maximum bet limit of $5 per bet. Would you support or oppose lowering the limit from $5 to a maximum of $1?

TOTAL SUPPORT = 73%    Total oppose = 17%

Liberal voters 71%
Labor voters 71%
Greens voters 86%
Bass 68%
Braddon 72%
Clark 79%
Franklin 74%
Lyons 70%