We need to lay a foundation for Tasmania’s future.
These are my big-picture priorities for our state.
Integrity and Transparency
Integrity, transparency and accountability matter in politics. Measures to promote these are important to stave off corrupt behaviour and also, importantly, to build public trust.
Read more here on the work I am doing in parliament to address this matter.
Gender Equality
I want the state of Tasmania to be an exemplar of equity, safety and opportunity for women. A key way to work toward that goal is to explicitly examine the impact on women of public policy, legislation and allocation of public resources.
Read more here on the work I am doing in parliament to address this matter.
Human Rights Act for Tasmania
I am a tireless advocate for a comprehensive Tasmanian Human Rights Act to protect human rights, develop a human rights culture across government, and frame parliamentary and community debate.
Read more here on the work I am doing in parliament to address this matter.
Climate Change Action
Climate change is the greatest and most pressing public policy challenge facing us globally, nationally and locally. Half measures are no longer an option, there needs to be more ambitious action to address climate risk.
Read more here on the work I am doing in parliament to address this matter.
Justice Reform
To genuinely make our community safer, we need to be smart and effective in preventing and responding to crime. This means real action on the drivers of crime in our community through reducing disadvantage and inequality, and also ensuring our justice and corrections systems prioritise rehabilitation to minimise recidivism.
Read more here on the work I am doing in parliament to address this matter.
Poker Machine Reform
Poker machines are designed to be addictive, causing significant harm to Tasmanian families, communities and businesses. We can make pokies safer to use, without affecting recreational play. Cutting pokies harm is blocked by the vested interests of the poker machine industry and its political and financial capture of the major political parties.
Read more here on the work I am doing in parliament to address this matter.