Question – COVID-19 Travel Restrictions for Tasmanian Students Studying Interstate

October 13, 2020

Questions asked by Hon Meg Webb on 13 Oct 2020    Answered by the Hon Mark Shelton MP, Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management on 10 Nov 2020.    

With regard to COVID-19 hotel quarantine restrictions for Tasmanian students studying at interstate universities —

Question 1(a). Are Tasmanians, who under normal circumstances return to Tasmania between semesters, considered Tasmanian residents under current Emergency Management Act COVID-19 emergency powers; and

Question 1(b).     if not, when did this non-residency classification come into effect and how were those affected advised?

ANSWER 1a. Yes, Tasmanian residents who are studying at interstate universities can return to Tasmania between semesters.

Quarantine requirements, either Government Hotel or home isolation, will depend on which State or Territory the student has spent time in for the 14 days prior to their arrival in Tasmania.

Students who had arrived from an Affected Region (Victoria) would be required to complete 14 days in Government Hotel Quarantine, noting unaccompanied persons under the age of 18 must quarantine at their home residence.

ANSWER 1b. On 8 July 2020, the State Controller issued Directions in relation to persons arriving in Tasmania and subsequent Directions in relation to persons arriving from affected premises or regions.

Under those Directions persons must not enter Tasmania unless they receive pre-approval, the State Controller (previously), and the Deputy State Controller (currently), take into consideration factors such as mental health, financial impediments and family responsibilities when completing ‘pre-approval’.

The State Control Centre Public Information Unit provided updates through the website and media outlets. Where known, persons with imminent travel updates were notified directly.

Question 2. Under what circumstances would permission to return to Tasmania be denied?

ANSWER 2. As of 11.59pm on 19 August 2020, Persons travelling from Affected Regions or Premises who did not seek prior approval for travel to Tasmania and were not recognised as an authorised person under the Direction were denied entry to Tasmania. This included persons travelling to Tasmania for a holiday, wedding or other non-essential travel.

University students returning home to complete their study online, who would be financially disadvantaged by remaining in Victoria were approved to enter the State on a case by case basis.

Question 3. What types of evidence of residency, other than those on the Evidence of Residency list as referred to in the Applying to the Deputy State Controller for recognition as a Tasmanian resident section of the Government’s coronavirus website, can returning Tasmanian students provide?

ANSWER 3. Evidence is considered on a case by case basis.

The Deputy State Controller has previously accepted letters from the parents of the students, medical / psychological letters, or letters from the University where the student is undertaking study.

Question 4. How many times have applications been made where returning Tasmanian students were unable to provide evidence of residency to the satisfaction of the Deputy State Controller and were refused entry to Tasmania?

ANSWER 4. The State Control Centre is unable to advise the number of applications approved or rejected due to students not being recognised as a separate category of traveller.

Question 5 (a) How many times have applications been made where returning Tasmanian students were able to provide evidence of residency, other than those on the Evidence of Residency list, to the satisfaction of the Deputy State Controller and were granted entry to Tasmania; and

Question 5 (b)  what types of evidence did these successful applications include?

ANSWER 5. The State Control Centre is unable to advise due to students not being recognised as a separate category of traveller.