Question – Gambling Support Strategic Framework 2014-19

September 19, 2019

Questions asked by Meg Webb MLC on 19 Sept 2019 and answered for the Govt by Hon Roger Jaensch on 26 Nov 2019  

With regard to the current Gambling Support Program Strategic Framework 2014-19 –

QUESTION (1)   What evaluation occurred of the impact and effectiveness of the framework?

ANSWER (1)  The gambling support program – GSP – is currently seeking feedback from key stakeholders regarding the effectiveness and currency of the 2014-19 strategic framework.

QUESTION (2)  If evaluation was conducted, what did this evaluation indicate in terms of the effectiveness of the framework in –

        (a)   Preventing gambling harm?

        (b)   Reducing gambling harm?

        (c)   Ameliorating gambling harm?

ANSWER (2)  As above, feedback is currently being sought.

       (a), (b) & (c)    Not applicable.

QUESTION  (3)  What measures and indicators (other than general prevalence studies conducted as part of the Social and Economic Impact Studies – SEIS) are used to gauge the impact of gambling support programs?

ANSWER (3)  Funded gambling support services provide both quantitative and qualitative feedback regarding service effectiveness, including reports against key performance indicators.  In addition, community education campaigns are evaluated to ensure the effectiveness of campaigns.  Campaigns featuring digital advertising placements allow for metrics including impressions and click-through rates.

QUESTION  (4)  Under the framework, what proportion of (a) funding and (b) activity was directed to the prevention of problem gambling?

ANSWER (4)  The framework informs the department’s public health approach to gambling policy, programs and service delivery; it does not identify budget and activities being undertaken by the GSP.

QUESTION  (5)  Under the framework, what proportion of (a)  funding and (b)  activity, was directed to support services for people with a gambling problem?

Noting that page 5 of the Gambling Support Program Strategic Framework 2014-19 states that gambling support services reported 71.2 per cent of people seeking support experienced issues related to electronic gaming machines – EGMs – in 2013-14.

ANSWER (5)  As with question (4), the framework does not identify budget and activities being undertaken by the GSP.

QUESTION  (6)  What is the latest data on the proportion of those seeking help from gambling support services in Tasmania affected by a problem with gambling on –

       (a)   EGMs; and

       (b)   other forms of gambling?

ANSWER (6)  For 2018-19, of the people who sought support through gamblers help services and provided their primary form of gambling, 79 per cent reported their primary form of gambling as EGMs.

QUESTION  (7)   (a)   If that data is not currently collected by the gambling support services when between 2013‑14 and the present, did gambling support services stop collecting data on the issues experienced by people seeking support?

        (b)   Who made the decision to stop collecting that data through gambling support services?

        (c)   What was the evidence base and rationale for ceasing to collect that data?

ANSWER (7) (a), (b) & (c)   Not applicable.

QUESTION  (8)  If that statement from page 5 of the framework was drawn from a source other than data collected by gambling support services, what was that data source?

ANSWER (8)  The statement on page 5 of the framework uses data collected by gambling support services in Tasmania.

QUESTION  (9)  If those statements are based on a data source other than data collected by gambling support services –

        (a)  what is the latest data from that source on the proportion of those seeking help from gambling support services in Tasmania affected by a problem with gambling on EGMs; and

        (b)   on other forms of gambling?

ANSWER (9)(a) & (b)   Not applicable.

QUESTION  (10) Noting that page 5 of the framework states that clients of gambling support services are likely to experience issues stemming from the use of EGMs, particularly within their local hotel/club –

       (a)   what was the data source that informed this statement;

       (b)   does the most recent data available continue to support that statement;

        (c)   if the most recent data does not support that statement, what has replaced an issue with EGMs in their local hotel/club as the form of gambling most likely to be experienced by clients of gambling support services;

        (d)   what is the latest data on the venue-type most likely to be used for gambling on EGMs by those seeking help from gambling support services in Tasmania;

        (e)   if current data is not available, when, between 2013-14 and the present, did this data stop being collected;

        (f)   who made the decision to stop collecting this data; and

        (g)   what was the evidence base and rationale for ceasing to collect this data?

ANSWER (10) (a)   The data source used for this statement is the Third SEIS (2014) Volume 1.

       (b)   Yes.

       (c)   Not applicable.

       (d)   The most recent data is available in Table 8.4, Volume 1 of the Fourth SEIS (2017).

       (e)   Not applicable.

       (f)    Not applicable.

       (g)   Not applicable.

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