Question – Gambling Support Strategic Framework 2020-23

September 19, 2019

Questions asked by Meg Webb MLC on 19 Sept 2019 and answered for the Govt by Hon Roger Jaensch on 26 Nov 2019 

With regard to the Gambling Support Program Strategic Framework 2020-23  

QUESTION  (1)   What is the expected date of release of the framework?  

ANSWER (1)   The expected date of release for the framework is December 2019

QUESTION  (2)   What form of consultation was conducted to inform its development?

ANSWER (2)  Consultation on the framework is currently ongoing.  Stakeholders are able to provide feedback through a survey, forum and post-forum consultation opportunities.

QUESTION  (3)   Which stakeholders were involved in the consultation?

ANSWER (3)  The stakeholders invited to be involved in the consultation include industry, community sector and government representatives.  The full list of stakeholders is below –

  • Anglicare Tasmania
  • Department of Treasury – Liquor and Gaming Branch
  • Each
  • Federal Group
  • Gambling Industry Group – GIG
  • Gaming venues across Tasmania
  • Holyoake
  • Housing Connect Front Door organisations
  • Housing Connect support organisations
  • Local Government Association of Tasmania
  • Migrant Resource Centre
  • Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania (peak body)
  • Primary Health Network
  • Public Health
  • Relationships Australia
  • SARC – Social Action and Research Centre
  • State and Territory governments
  • TasCOSS
  • Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre
  • Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission
  • Turning Point, Eastern Health
  • University of Tasmania
  • YMCA
  • YNot

QUESTION  (4)   What sources of evidence and/or research informed its development?

ANSWER (4)  In the development of the framework, the GSP will consider a range of reference sources, including the SEIS, activity data from gambling support services in Tasmania, qualitative and anecdotal feedback from gambling support services in Tasmania and relevant contemporary research such as that available through the Australian Gambling Research Centre, the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation research program and the Anglicare Tasmania Social Action and Research Centre.  References to specific research will be cited in the framework.

QUESTION  (5)  Which data and findings from the latest SEIS specifically informed the planning, funding and provision of service under the framework?

ANSWER (5)  The framework is currently under development.  References to specific sections of the 2017 SEIS will be cited in the framework.

QUESTION  (6)  What proportion of (a) funding and (b) activity will be directed to the prevention of problem gambling?

ANSWER (6)  The framework informs the department’s public health approach to gambling policy, programs and service delivery; it does not identify budget and activities being undertaken by the GSP.

QUESTION  (7)   What proportion of –

        (a)   funding and

        (b)   activity, will be directed to support services for people with a gambling problem?

ANSWER (7)  As with question (6), the framework does not identify budget and activities being undertaken by the GSP.

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