Question – Know Your Odds Multimedia Campaign

September 19, 2019

Questions asked by Meg Webb MLC on 19 Sept 2019 and answered for the Goverment by Roger Jaensch MP Minister for Human Services on 26 Nov 2019   

Noting the Know Your Odds multimedia campaign, a key part of the state Government’s Gambling Support Program has a website, which appears to have been down for at least the whole of September 2019, and a Facebook page that hasn’t had a posting since 11 July 2019 –

QUESTION (1)  In the 12 months to today’s date, for how many days was the Know Your Odds website accessible to the public?

ANSWER (1)  The Gambling Support Program – GSP – is not aware of any downtime for the webpage  No-one has informed the GSP that they could not access the website.  Google Analytics data shows users accessing the site each day from 1 July 2018 to 7 October 2019.

QUESTION (2)   (a)    Is the Know Your Odds Facebook page continuing to be operated?

        (b)    If not, why is it no longer operational?

        (c)    Who made the decision to cease operation?

ANSWER (2)  (a)     Yes.

       (b)     NA.

       (c)     NA.

QUESTION (3)   If operational, what frequency of posting is specified in its social media plan?

ANSWER (3)  Frequency of posting is not the primary factor in the GSPs social media management.  The Know Your Odds Facebook page is used in conjunction with campaigns, initiatives and events undertaken through the GSPs community education strategy.  In addition, the GSP periodically posts links to relevant podcasts, television shows or articles that are suitable content for the Facebook page.

People accessing the Know Your Odds Facebook can access links to the Know Your Odds website which provides additional information.  People seeking support can access links to support services from both the Facebook page and the Know your Odds website.

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