Question – Premiers Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council Public Consultation Program

September 23, 2020

Questions asked by the Hon Meg Webb MLC on 23 September 2020. Answered by the Hon Peter Gutwein, Premier on 11 Nov 2020.         

Regarding the Premier’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council (PESRAC) and its progress, can you please:

Question 1. Confirm that on 20 July 2020, when the PESRAC Chair delivered the Council’s first report to the Premier, the Chair also undertook that PESRAC will “shortly commence a broad-based community consultation program working with the Tasmanian community to shape the details of the recommendations for its Final Report”;

Answer 1.   As announced on Thursday 24 September 2020, PESRAC has developed a comprehensive, multifaceted consultation work plan that will allow all Tasmanians to provide their ideas and strategies for social and economic recovery.

The first component has commenced in October and will run through November, and involves a public call for submissions and recovery ideas from any Tasmanian or Tasmanian organisation.

PESRAC is particularly interested in ideas that could help to empower Tasmanians and Tasmanian organisations to build their own future on the pathway to recovery. PESRAC has provided an on-line tool that has made it easier for people to lodge their ideas with the Council, as well as providing the opportunity for traditional long-form submissions.

The second component is a wellbeing survey, which is being undertaken by the University of Tasmania on behalf of PESRAC.  This commenced  in mid-October  and will run for around one month. The survey invites all Tasmanians to provide information on what elements of wellbeing they prioritise on the path to recovery.

The third component is a series of cross sector workshops, between October and November, to explore constraints and opportunities for Tasmania based on various COVID-related ‘What If scenarios.

Finally there will be a series of regional roundtables to consider which issues and opportunities identified through the cross sector workshops are important for specific regions.


Question 2. Confirm that the publicly available PESRAC Workplan and Consultation program states that the Phase Two Consultation stage, where consultation is to extend to the broader community, is indicated to occur between “August – October 2020”;

Answer 2.  The PESRAC website has been updated to reflect the comprehensive  consultation work plan for Phase 2. The multi-faceted work plan will be undertaken over the months October, November and December 2020.


Question 3. Clarify whether that Phase Two consultation process has formally begun, and if so detail whether, and how, any further public notification of that public consultation process has been issued;

Answer 3. Phase 2 consultation commenced on I October 2020.


Question 4. Advise, if the Phase Two consultation process has yet to formally begin, please advise when it is scheduled to commence, how the public will be notified that it has commenced and options available to participate; and

Answer 4. Tasmanians will be advised about the consultation program in multiple ways including public notices, social media, and through networks of peak bodies.


Question 5.  Undertake that when the PESRAC Phase Two Consultation process formally commences, the public will still have the full three months available in which to participate and submit submissions as indicated in the Council’s initial Workplan?

Answer 5.  The PESRAC website has been updated to  reflect the comprehensive  consultation work plan for Phase 2. The multi-faceted work plan will be undertaken over the months October, November and December 2020.