Question & Answer – Release FGM Poker Machine Venue Revenue Data

November 21, 2024

The Hon Meg Webb MLC asked the following Question without Notice on Wednesday the 30th of October 2024.
The government provided its reponse on Thursday, the 21st November 2024, which is availble here, or as a pdf below.

The Hon Meg Webb MLC’s initial Question without Notice  (see below) was asked on Wednesday the30th of October 2024.

Question Without Notice (submited by Meg Webb MLC)
Wednesday, 30 October 2024

I (Ms Webb) tomorrow to ask the Honourable Leader of the Government —

Noting the Tasmanian Government response to the 2022 Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission (TLGC) Report to the Treasurer – Investigation of harm minimization technologies: facial recognition and player card gaming, stated on page 1:

The Government anticipates that venues will retain a greater percentage of their turnover under the new FGM arrangements than under the current arrangements …”

Also noting the new Future Gaming Markets individual venue licensing model has been in place since 1 July 2023:

  1. Has the Government, Department or TLGC collected data on the magnitude of the increased percentage of poker machine revenue retained by venues under the new FGM licensing model? For example, a comparison of the percentage of revenue retained by the venue under the first year of the new model (financial year 2023-24) compared to the previous year under the old licensing model (financial year 2022-23).
  2. If this data has been collected,
    1. what is the statewide average percentage increase in revenue for venues in the first year of the new licensing model?
    2. without identifying the specific venue, what was the highest percentage increase for a single venue?
    3. without identifying the specific venue, what was the lowest percentage increase for a single venue?


View as a downloadable PDF file Meg’s Question  here