Question – RTI Uplift Project Expenditure & Implementation?

May 16, 2024

The Hon Meg Webb MLC asked the following Question on the 16th of May 2024.

The Leader of Government Business, the Hon. Leonie Hiscutt MLC, tabled the Premier’s response on Thursday 20 June 2024.

(Note:  The Premier’s response tabled this day also included the response to Ms Webb’s related RTI Uplift Project Question asked on 7 May 2024).


Text of Question Asked by Meg:

16 May 2024

I (Ms Webb) tomorrow to ask the Honourable Leader of the Government —Regarding the Right to Information Uplift Project scheduled to be complete by 30 June this year, can the government please provide:

  1. A detailed breakdown of the expenditure of the $500, 000 allocated to the Project;
  2. Details of any initiatives arising from the Project which have been implemented either partially or in full, including the degree that implementation has been successfully completed;
  3. Confirmation that the last meeting of the Steering Committee was held on the 3rd of August 2023, and:
  4. if so, to also provide an explanation as to why the Steering Committee ceased meeting after that date; and
  5. If meetings have since recommenced, when they did so, and reasons for the intervening period during which meetings were not held.
Text of Government Response (to two Questions) can be viewed here and below as a pdf:  

See more of Meg’s Questions to Parliament.


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