Question – Status of Independent Review of the use of Surveillance Devices in Prisons?

May 3, 2024

The Hon Meg Webb MLC asked the following Question on the 3rd of May 2024.

Text of Question Asked by Meg:

3 May 2024

I (Ms Webb) tomorrow to ask the Honourable Leader of the Government —

With reference to the Independent Review of the use of Surveillance Devices in Prisons, conducted by Mr Damian Bugg AM KC since 13 October 2023, and formerly known as the O’Farrell Review, can the government please provide an update on the status of the Independent Review, including the following:

  1. Has the Independent Review been completed, and if not what is the expected timeframe by which it is expected to be completed?;
  2. If the Independent Review has been completed, has the Final Report been submitted to Tasmania Police, and if so on what date was it submitted?; and
  3. If Tasmania Police is in receipt of the Independent Reviewer’s Final Report, when will the Report and its recommendations be tabled in the Parliament, as per public undertakings made in October 2023?


Note:  Prior the government responding to Meg’s question, the Indpendent Review Report was publicly released on May 2024.  The Independent Review Report can be read here.


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