Question – Tasmanian Emergency Management Arrangements

June 12, 2020

Questions asked by the Hon Meg Webb MLC on 12 June 2020 answered by the Hon Peter Gutwein MP, Premier on 24 June 2020  

Regarding the formal Public Health Emergency declared under section 14 of the Public Health Act I 997, and the State of Emergency declared under section 42 of the Emergency Management Act 2006 due to the presence  of COVID-19  within  the State,  inclusive  of recent extensions to both:

QUESTION 1: Has the Public Information Unit (PIU) as provided for under the Tasmanian Emergency Management Arrangements (TEMA), been activated to fulfil its roles and functions as outlined in the TEMA, specifically providing support for the dissemination of public information from the whole-of-government response to an emergency, and if not, why not?;


QUESTION 2: If the PIU has been activated, (a) where is it located within government, (b) what are its operating principles and guidelines, and (c) what is its reporting structure?;


a) The Public Information Unit (PIU) is located in the State Control Centre (SCC).

b) The PIU assists in the dissemination of public information from across government in support of the SCC aim, which is to minimise the impact of COVID-19 upon the Tasmanian community.

c) The PIU is led by the SCC Public Information Advisor, who reports to the State Controller, and the PIU Manager.

QUESTION 3: Was the PIU involved in any manner in the public statements released by government or public officials regarding the June extensions of both the Public Health Emergency declaration and the State of Emergency declaration respectively, and if not, why not?

ANSWER: The PIU made information about the extension of the two declarations publicly available by publishing the relevant Directions and media releases on the Coronavirus website­ – along with an item under the ‘Important Community Updates’ section of the site.

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