Question – University of Tasmania Annual Report 2023

June 18, 2024

The Hon. Meg Webb MLC asked the following question to the Hon. Jo Palmer MLC Minister for Education, in the Legislative Council, on Tuesday the 18th of June 2024. 


Text of Question Asked by Meg:

This question will probably be taken on notice, so I would like to put it on the record before we break, if I may.

Have you received the 2023 UTAS annual report as required under the University of Tasmania Act 1992? If so, will the minister commit to tabling the report in parliament forthwith this week?

Response from Minister Palmer

Mr President, yes, I do have it, and it is down for tabling on Thursday (20th June).

If you are interested in reading the report mentioned above, you can do so here 


See more of Meg’s Questions to Parliament.


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