RTI-Salmon Producers’ Meetings with EPA Tasmania

June 10, 2023

Information requested from the Environment Protection Authority 1 May 2023 and received 8 June 2023.   

  RTI Request: 

  (Please provide): 

  “1. Correspondence, records of any meetings, and electronic messages (e.g. WhatsApp, Teams, Messenger etc) between EPA Tasmania and salmon industry representatives (including but not limited to: Tassal, Huon Aquaculture, Petuna and/or Tasmanian Salmonid Growers Association, or any of their consultants/representatives/lobbyists between 1 January 2020 and today’s date regarding:
(a) the draft Environmental standards for Marine Finfish Farming (Environmental Standards);
(b) the Environmental Standards Working Group and/or the Environmental Standards Working Group recommendations;
(c) the Review of Tasmanian and International Regulatory Requirements for Salmonid Aquaculture.

2. The attendees and number of meetings between the EPA and salmon industry representatives (including but not limited to: Tassal, Huon Aquaculture, Petuna and/or Tasmanian Salmonid Growers Association, or any of their consultants/representatives/lobbyists regarding:
(a) the draft Environmental Standards;
(b) Environmental Standards Working Group recommendations;
(c) the Review of Tasmanian and International Regulatory Requirements for Salmonid Aquaculture.

(and as refined via negotiated agreement on  11 May)

“3. The “Environmental Standards Working Group” refers to the group referred to in the Review of Regulatory Requirements for Marine Based Salmonid Aquaculture by EPA Tasmania. Except for those documents which have been released under RTI083, we seek:
• notes from meetings of the Environmental Standards Working Group; and
• correspondence or documents outlining the recommendations of the Environmental Standards Working Group.

4. Any drafts of the Environmental Standards that were provided to salmon industry representatives or amended following consultation with salmon industry representatives prior to their publication for public comment on 2 February 2023.”

Returned information