Article-Taroona Scouts Turn 70
Kingborough Chronicle | 10 December 2024: pg 1.Taroona Scouts Turn 70The Tasmanian Parliament celebrated the Taroona Scouts' recent 70th anniversary, with a contingent of Scouts and Venturers attending a speech delivered by Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb...

Speech- Taroona Scouts 70th Anniversary Celebration
Meg Webb MLC delivered a speech celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Taroona Scouts Group as a Special Interest Matter in the Legislative Council, attended by a delegation from the Taroona Scouts, on Tuesday 26th of November 2024. View the video of Meg delivering...

Speech- Saltbush Child and Family Learning Centre
Meg raised the newest addition to the Kingston region of the Nelson electorate - the Saltbush Child and Family Learning Centre as a Special Interest Matter in the Legislative Council on Tuesday 19th of November 2024. View Meg's speech below: Read the Hansard of Meg's...

Speech-Landcare Tasmania Awards 2024
Meg, staff, award recipients and organisation representatives are pictured here in Parliament House following Meg's speech (unfortunately two award recipients were away, however their organisations were represented). Meg raised the recent Landcare Tasmania's awards...

Speech-Visit by UN Expert on Toxics and Human Rights
Meg raised the recent visit to Hobart by the UN Special Rapporteur on Toxics and Human Rights and the symposium organised by local scientific, medical and water quality experts, and commuity members, as a Special Interest Matter, on Tuesday, 12 September 2023. Text of...

Speech-Kingston Tennis Club Celebrates Milestone
Meg raised the recent official launch of the Kingston Tennis Club's Upgraded Facilities, as a Special Interest Matter, on Tuesday, 22 August 2023. Ms WEBB (Nelson) - Mr President, I am delighted today to speak today about the impressive efforts by the Kingston Tennis...

Speech-World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2023
Meg raised World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, as a Special Interest Matter, on Tuesday, 27 June 2023. Ms WEBB (Nelson) - Mr President, I rise to talk about an important, concerning and often hidden issue in our community - that of elder abuse. It is an issue that is...

The Tasmanian Independent Science Council
Ms WEBB (Nelson) - Mr President, this morning I rise to highlight the Tasmanian Independent Science Council and the laudable work it does as a source of independent research analysis and advice, seeking to bridge the gap between science and public policy by providing...

Noting the Legislative Council’s Report on Fin Fish Farming in Tasmania
A full transcript of this speech will be uploaded here in the coming days.Access the Committee's final report here.

Women’s Health Tasmania’s ‘Knit Your Bits’
Ms WEBB - Mr President, today I rise to celebrate an incredible, unique art project and exhibition undertaken by Women's Health Tasmania, known as Knit Your Bits. As many members here may know, Women's Health Tasmania is a statewide health promotion service which is...

Kingborough Bowls and Community Club Platinum Jubilee
Ms WEBB (Nelson) - Mr President, before I start, I also offer my congratulations to the member for McIntyre and the member for Elwick on their re-election, and to the new member for Huon on his election to represent his community. Welcome here.We have already spoken...

There Is No ‘I’ In Island
Ms WEBB (Nelson) - Mr President, when COVID-19 descended in early 2020, the state, the country and in fact, the world went into lockdown. Many were at a loss as to how to respond, how to cope, many of us were floundering. At this unique moment two talentedTasmanian...

Taroona Volunteer Fire Brigade 75th Anniversary
Mr PRESIDENT - Honourable members, before I call on special interest matters, I would like to welcome to the President's Reserve Taroona Volunteer Fire Brigade members, Roger McNeice, Neil Cripps and Peter Gugger. I note that retired television presenters probably...

Kingston Beach Surf Life Saving Club – 40 years of women in surf lifesaving
Ms WEBB (Nelson) - I rise today to speak about a vibrant gem of an organisation in my electorate, the Kingston Beach Surf Life Saving Club and to congratulate them on some achievements and initiatives that they are undertaking. In December 2020, the Kingston Beach...

Kingborough and Huon Business Enterprise Centre
Ms WEBB - Mr President, it is my pleasure to speak today about the Kingborough and Huon Business Enterprise Centre and its valuable work supporting local businesses. Tasmania has nearly 40 000 businesses across the state and over 95 per cent of those are small...

Kingborough Community Awards
Ms WEBB (Nelson) - Mr President, I pay my respects to the palawa/pakana of lutruwita Tasmania, the Tasmanian Aboriginal community, as the traditional owners and continuing custodians of this land that we are on today. I pay my respects to their Elders past, present...

Planning Matters Alliance Tasmania
Ms WEBB (Nelson) - Mr President, today I rise to celebrate the hard work and success of the Planning Matters Alliance Tasmania, better known to many as PMAT. PMAT is a growing network of community groups from across the state advocating for a strategic, sustainable...

NAIDOC Week 2020
Ms WEBB (Nelson) - Madam Deputy President, it is NAIDOC Week. As this is the first time I have risen to speak this week I am going to take a brief opportunity to acknowledge the palawa pakana of lutruwita, Tasmania, the traditional owners and ongoing custodians of...

Diverse Tassie’s First Anniversary
Ms WEBB (Nelson) - Mr President, today I am pleased to congratulate Diverse Tassie on its first anniversary. Diverse Tassie is a monthly newspaper serving Tasmania's diverse communities with news, views and events. It was started by three friends - Mohan Mattala,...

Women’s Health Tasmania
Women's Health TasmaniaMr President, Women's Health Week was celebrated last week from 7 to 11 September. It is an Australia-wide campaign centered on improving women's health and supporting healthier choices.Now in its eighth year, recognition of Women's Health Week...

Disability Voices Tasmania
Mr President, today I would like to recognise a fairly new, but growing organisation in our state, Disability Voices Tasmania. This organisation was created to give Tasmanians with disability a powerful collective voice. Disability Voices is an organisation that aims...

Generosity in the Nelson Community during COVID-19
COVID-19 has affected all of us. But for some, this pandemic has been particularly difficult. Alongside the challenges, it has been heartening to see that hard times can bring out the best in people. I have observed people in the Nelson community demonstrating...

International Women’s Day
International Women's Day Special Interest Speech 24 March 2020 Mr President, as we are still in the month of March, I am taking the opportunity to speak today in the context of International Women’s Day. March 8th was International Women’s Day. It is a global day to...

Kingborough Dog Owner’s Handbook
I would like to begin by paying my respects to the palawa people, of lutruwita/Tasmania. In particular, the mouheneener people, the traditional owners and custodians of the land that we are on today. I pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging.Mr...

Indigenous Cultural and Educational Exchange Programme
Ms WEBB (Nelson) - Mr President, I am delighted as my first special interest matter speech in this place to talk about the Tasmanian Aboriginal community and the University of Tasmania.I begin by paying my respects to palawa people of lutruwita/Tasmania, in particular...