Media Release – Tasmania’s State of the Environment Report Should Also be Listed as Endangered

July 19, 2022

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb  said today the delayed Federal State of the Environment Report increases pressure upon the State Government to detail when the long overdue Tasmanian State of the Environment Report will be released.

“The legislated required Tasmanian State of the Environment Report risks being listed as endangered or extinct itself, since it has not been sighted since 2009,” Ms Webb said.

“The Act stipulates its release every five years.

“In June, I asked Planning Minister Ferguson when the Report would be released and received a ‘yes Minister’ style response which would do Sir Humphrey Appleby proud.

“Worryingly, Minister Ferguson made it apparent the only options regarding who was responsible for the report’s production were expected to be presented to Government by the end of the year.

“It is not good enough to keep putting this crucial report into the too hard basket.  Our environment is literally burning while governments fiddle around the edges.

“All Tasmanians rely upon clean air, water and soil. Many industries from nature tourism through to agriculture rely upon a healthy and robust ecology, making our own State of the Environment report essential snapshot of our island’s current health and to inform future planning.

“Tasmanian scientists contributed to the recent national environment report so obviously we have the local expertise and some relevant data already collated.  Clearly the lack of local political will and prioritisation is the impediment here.”

Ms Webb said she has asked about the missing Tasmanian State of the Environment Report during Budget Estimates Hearings for the past three years.

“It is beyond shocking and inept that this Government still cannot clearly detail who is responsible for its production and when Tasmanians can expect to see the next edition.

“Tasmanians don’t get to choose which law they will or will not abide by, so there is no excuse for the government to continue breaching their legal requirement to ensure an independent and rigorous Tasmanian State of the Environment Report is produced every five years.”

Note: Section 29 of the State Policies and Projects Act 1993 stipulates the production of the State of the Environment Report every five years

Attached: Excerpt from Legislative Council Budget Estimates Committee Hearings with the Planning Minister, Monday 6 June 2022 (2 pages).


Media Contact: A.Mark Thomas, M&M Communications, 0422 006 732