Article | The Mercury | 7 August 2023; pg 3MP calls for release of diariesUpper House MP Meg Webb has called on state government ministers to release their ministerial diaries, somethingshe says is overdue.Ms Webb asked for the April, May and June diaries to be made...
ABC TV News – Why the Delay in Release of Ministerial Diaries?
Adam Holmes | The ABC TV News | Sunday, 6 August 2023View below the ABC TV news bulletin featuring Meg's query over the delayed public release of the April - June quarter instalment of Tasmanian Ministerial diaries, in accordance with the commitment provided to the...
Media Release – Where are Latest Ministerial Diaries?
Government Fails Disclosure Commitment Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb said today the Liberal government is not living up to its own transparency standards by continuing to fail to disclose ministerial diaries in a timely manner.“On the 20th of July I called...
Comment-Tasmanians Can Come Together to Reshape Governance
Comment | The Examiner | 27 July 2023; pg 11andComment | The Advocate | 27 July 2023; pg 10Opportunity looms for a shared approach writes Meg Webb MLCSpeculation is swirling about an early state election. However, the most interesting thing about the next election...
Submission to the Proposed Model for Reform of Lobbying Oversight in Tasmania
Since the 1st of July 2022 the Tasmanian Integrity Commission has been responsible for administering the Tasmanian Register of Lobbyists and Lobbying Code of Conduct (previously administered by the Department of Premier and Cabinet since the Code's...
Talking Point-Opportunity to Reshape Parliament
Talking Point | The Mercury | 25 July 2023 OPPORTUNITY TO RESHAPE PARLIAMENT: The Next Election Offers Community Chance to Transform Governance, writes Meg WebbSpeculation is swirling about an early state election. However, the most interesting thing about the next...
Submission to the TLRI Review of Privacy Laws in Tasmania
The Tasmania Law Reform Institute (TLRI) is undertaking a review of Tasmania's current Privacy laws and protections, upon accepting a reference I submitted to the TLRI in 2019.As part of that Review, the TLRI released an Issues Paper No. 32 in March 2023,...
Media Release – Release Ministerial Diaries in Light of Policy Announcements
Media Release issued by Meg Webb MLC | 20 July 2023Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb today called for the immediate release of the state Ministerial diaries for the last quarter, in light of the Rockliff Liberal Government’s sudden local government and planning...
Submission to the TNPM Implementation Project – Consultation Paper 2
In 2021 Tasmania passed our OPCAT Implementation Act 2021, as required under Australia's ratification of the international Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT). OPCAT is...
ABC Mornings – Delayed Political Donations Reforms
Meg Webb talks with Leon Compton on ABC Mornings regarding the stalled and long-overdue state political donations disclosures reforms, Monday 3 July 2023.