Article-Libs on Upper House Search

Article-Libs on Upper House Search

Sunday Tasmanian | 19 May 2024; pg 4. Libs on Upper House search Sue Bailey As the Liberal Party begins the search for candidates to contest three Legislative Council elections in 2025, the independent member for Nelson, Meg Webb, has confirmed she plans to stand...

Article-New democracy reforms proposed

Article-New democracy reforms proposed

The Examiner | 13 May 2024; pg 2.New democracy reforms proposedBenjamin SeederRESTRICTING pork barrelling, banning political donations by companies in certain industries, and introducing 'truth in political advertising' rules are among the changes needed to safeguard...

While pokies were closed
due to COVID-19
Tasmanians saved

Poker machines were closed in Tasmania on March 23, 2020
and reopened on June 26, 2020.
In 2018-19 Tasmanians lost $171,603,745 to poker machines