Housing and Homelessness
Question – Rapid Rehousing Program

Question – Rapid Rehousing Program

Questions asked by the Hon Meg Webb MLC on 5 September 2022 and answered by the Minister for State Development, Construction and Housing on 8 September 2022.  In regards to each of the Rapid Re-Housing Programs (Family Violence, Mental Health and Prisoner), and in...

Question – Police Policy Towards Rough Sleepers

Question – Police Policy Towards Rough Sleepers

Questions asked by the Hon Meg Webb MLC on 29 July 2022 and answered by the Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management on 23 August 2022  Questions:1. What is Tasmania Police’s current policy and practice towards Tasmanians ‘sleeping rough’, specifically those...

Speech-in-Reply: Tasmania State Budget 2022

Speech-in-Reply: Tasmania State Budget 2022

Ms WEBB (Nelson) - Mr President, I rise to provide my response to the state Budget 2022-23.  A lot has certainly changed since we last stood here responding to the previous state budget which was barely nine months ago, as it was slightly delayed again last year.We...

Land Tax Rating Amendment Bill 2022

Land Tax Rating Amendment Bill 2022

Ms WEBB (Nelson) - Mr President, I will find my way back to where I needed to start here.  Thank you, member for Murchison for that contribution which was quite comprehensive around the issue, unlike the second reading speech, unlike the absence of any evidence base...

Address-in-Reply: Premier’s State of the State Address 2022

Address-in-Reply: Premier’s State of the State Address 2022

Ms WEBB (Nelson) - Mr President, I welcome this opportunity to respond to the Premier's annual state of the state address and thank other members for the contributions they have made, all of which have been really valuable and very interesting to listen to.At the...

Treasury Misc (Cost of Living and Affordable Housing Support) Bill 2021

Treasury Misc (Cost of Living and Affordable Housing Support) Bill 2021

Ms WEBB (Nelson) - Madam Deputy President, this will not be a long contribution.  I wanted to bring up some things that were covered in the briefing that you were interested to hear about.  I will just put them on the record here and see if we can have them addressed...

While pokies were closed
due to COVID-19
Tasmanians saved

Poker machines were closed in Tasmania on March 23, 2020
and reopened on June 26, 2020.
In 2018-19 Tasmanians lost $171,603,745 to poker machines