Meg Webb MLC speaks on ABC Statewide Mornings Radio with Leon Compton on Tuesday 27 August 2024, discussing the new Tasmanian Joint House Committee on Electoral Matters, highlighting the current call for submissions to the Committee's review of the 2024 State and...
Article-A reason why abuse reporting has risen
The Examiner | 20 August 2024; pg 2.A reason why abuse reporting has risen Matt Maloney ONE third of Tasmanians who have reported sexual offences over 2023-24 at the state's two multidisciplinary sexual assault support centres have been children.The state government...
ABC Digital News-Tasmania’s Police Commissioner apologises for identifying child sex abuse whistleblower
Adam Holmes | ABC NEWS - Digital Online | 20 August 2024Tasmania's Police Commissioner apologises for identifying child sexual abuse whistleblowerIn short: The commissioner and deputy commissioner of Tasmania Police used the last name of a child abuse whistleblower...
Motion Tabled – Move on Tasmanian Human Rights Act Call
The Hon. Meg Webb MLC tabled the following motion in the Legislative Council on Thursday 15 August 2024, calling for the government to commit to introducing legislation for a Tasmanian Human Rights Act, implementing the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute's...
Motion Tabled – Overhaul Inadequate Ministerial Diaries Disclosures
The Hon. Meg Webb MLC tabled the following motion in the Legislative Council on Thursday 15 August 2024, calling for an overhaul of the current inadequate ministerial diaries disclosures system.This motion was debated and passed by the Legislative Council on 10th of...
Media Release: Ministerial Diaries Disclosures Overhaul Needed: Replace window-dressing with genuine transparency
Ministerial Diaries Disclosures Overhaul NeededReplace window-dressing with genuine transparencyThursday, 15 August 2024Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb today moved to overhaul the government’s ministerial diaries disclosures model, in light of growing...
Media Release: Moves to Progress Tasmanian Human Rights Act: While Rockliff Government Remains Silent on TLRI Report’s Recommendations
Moves to Progress Tasmanian Human Rights Act While Rockliff Government Remains Silent on TLRI Report’s Recommendations Thursday, 15 August 2024 Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb today tabled a motion calling for the Tasmanian Government to introduce a Tasmanian...
Motion Debate – Disallowance Motion on Environmental Standards for Tasmanian Marine Fish Farming 2023
Meg's debate on her Disallowance Motion on Environmental Standards for Tasmanian Marine Fin Fish Farming 2023.Meg tabled her motion on Thursday the 16th of November 2023 and debated it on Tuesday the 13th of August 2024. Text of Meg's motion can be viewed on the...
Media Release: Missed Opportunity to Replace Weak Fin Fish Environmental Standards with World Best Practice
Missed Opportunity to Replace Weak Fin Fish Environmental Standards with World Best PracticeTuesday, 13 August 2024Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb said the government missed an opportunity today to replace weak and inadequate Environmental Standards for Marine...
Media Release: Call for Moratorium on Use of Dry Cells: Following Damning Custodial Inspector’s Review Report
Call for Moratorium on Use of Dry Cells: Following Damning Custodial Inspector’s Review Report8 August 2024Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb today called for a moratorium to be implemented on the use of controversial dry cells in detention facilities, while the...