Independent MPs
Article-A reason why abuse reporting has risen

Article-A reason why abuse reporting has risen

The Examiner | 20 August 2024; pg 2.A reason why abuse reporting has risen Matt Maloney ONE third of Tasmanians who have reported sexual offences over 2023-24 at the state's two multidisciplinary sexual assault support centres have been children.The state government...

Motion Tabled – Move on Tasmanian Human Rights Act Call

Motion Tabled – Move on Tasmanian Human Rights Act Call

The Hon. Meg Webb MLC tabled the following motion in the Legislative Council on Thursday 15 August 2024, calling for the government to commit to introducing legislation for a Tasmanian Human Rights Act, implementing the Tasmanian Law Reform Institute's...

Motion Tabled – Overhaul Inadequate Ministerial Diaries Disclosures

Motion Tabled – Overhaul Inadequate Ministerial Diaries Disclosures

The Hon. Meg Webb MLC tabled the following motion in the Legislative Council on Thursday 15 August 2024, calling for an overhaul of the current inadequate ministerial diaries disclosures system.This motion was debated and passed by the Legislative Council on 10th of...

While pokies were closed
due to COVID-19
Tasmanians saved

Poker machines were closed in Tasmania on March 23, 2020
and reopened on June 26, 2020.
In 2018-19 Tasmanians lost $171,603,745 to poker machines