Article-Concern Judge May Remain in Post for Months Even if Convicted

Article-Concern Judge May Remain in Post for Months Even if Convicted

The Weekend Australian | 27-28 July 2024; pg 3.Concern Judege May Remain in Post for Months Even if ConvictedMatt DenholmTasmania faces the “embarrassment” of potentially having a convicted judge on its Supreme Court for many months, prompting concern in legal and...

Article-Home loan scheme is hurting and not helping

Article-Home loan scheme is hurting and not helping

The Mercury | 17 July 2024; pg 9.Home loan scheme is hurting and not helpingDavid KillickFirst-home buyers using a government-backed scheme are being charged higher interest rates and offered less flexibility with repayments than - borrowers using similar schemes...

Article- ‘Absurd’ spend of $500k on Ashley

Article- ‘Absurd’ spend of $500k on Ashley

The Mercury | 11 July 2024; pg 8.'Absurd' spend of $500k on AshleyRob InglisA decision to spend nearly half-a-million dollars on refurbishing Ashley Youth Detention Centre has been labelled "absurd" after the Tasmanian government pledged to close the facility by...

Article-Gambling Reform Waits on Operator

Article-Gambling Reform Waits on Operator

The Mercury | 4 July 2024; pg 8.Gambling reform waits on operatorDavid KillickAngry MPs warn of harm after delays to player card Anti-gambling MPs have expressed disappointment that plans for a card-based precommitment scheme for poker machines have been delayed by at...

Article-MP calls for Emergency Cash for Disability Services

Article-MP calls for Emergency Cash for Disability Services

The Mercury | 4 July 2024; pg 8.MP calls for emergency cash for servicesStephanie DaltonAs disability advocacy organisations Autism Tasmania and Disability Voices Tasmania faced the abrupt cessation of federal funding last week, Independent MP Meg Webb is calling on...

Article-No Bet Limits on Poker Machines

Article-No Bet Limits on Poker Machines

The Examiner | 4 July 2024; pg 4.No Limits; Gaming policy delayMatt MaloneyThe state government will not impose bet limits on poker machines or reduce spin speeds as additional harm reduction measures amid a delay in the rollout of a mandatory pre-commitment gaming...

Article-Kingborough Chronicle ANZAC day message

Article-Kingborough Chronicle ANZAC day message

Kingborough Chronicle | 23 April 2024; pg 12.ANZAC Day MessageA pause to remember, writes Meg Webb MLC.Each year, on the morning of the 25th of April, Australians pause to commemorate the anniversary of the landing of Australian and New Zealand troops at Gallipoli in...

Media Release: Liberal-JLN Agreement Sells Parliament and Voters Short

Media Release: Liberal-JLN Agreement Sells Parliament and Voters Short

Liberal-JLN Agreement Sells Parliament and Voters Short11 April 2024Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb said the Jacquie Lambie Network (JLN) MPs should use the narrow window before the Rockliff government is recommissioned to walk away from the Agreement, and...

Media Comment: Reaction to DPAC Secretary Resignation

Media Comment: Reaction to DPAC Secretary Resignation

Reaction to DPAC Secretary Resignation25 March 2024Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb MLC has called for the replacement DPAC Secretary to be recruited from interstate and appointed by agreement of all parliamentary party leaders.“Parliament, the public service...

While pokies were closed
due to COVID-19
Tasmanians saved

Poker machines were closed in Tasmania on March 23, 2020
and reopened on June 26, 2020.
In 2018-19 Tasmanians lost $171,603,745 to poker machines