Adam Langenberg | ABC NEWS Analysis - Digital Online | 6 March 2024Tasmanians going to vote at March 23 state election clueless about who has donated to the major partiesTasmanians will go to the polls in March in the dark about who donated to the major political...
Media Release: Call for Labor to Come Clean over any Deals with Pokies Industry
Call for Labor to Come Clean over any Deals with Pokies Industry13 February 2024Independent for Nelson Meg Webb MLC has called on Labor and Liberal parties to immediately disclose whether any pre-election secret deals have been done with the poker machine industry and...
Talking Point-Premier Frames Independents as Early Election Scapegoats
Talking Point | The Mercury | 8 February 2024 Premier Should Face Music, not Frame Independents as Early Election Scapegoats Rockliff Should have Guts to Test Confidence on the Floor of the House, writes Meg Webb. For all of Premier Jeremy Rockliff’s repeated...
Article-Donations discovery; Parties rolling in cash
The Mercury | 2 February 2024; pgs 1 & 6. Donations discovery; Parties rolling in cash David Killick The Tasmanian Liberals have retained their title as the most lavishly funded of the state's political parties - but voters remain in the dark about exactly who is...
Media Release: Tasmanian Political Donations Laws Challenge
Premier Challenged over State Political Donations Disclosure Laws1 February 2024Independent for Nelson Meg Webb MLC said ongoing speculation of an early State election has raised concerns the Rockliff government may prioritise implementing the public funding...
Win TV News Report – Where are Woolcott and Blake Reviews on Commission of Inquiry matters?
Watch the Win TV news report of 31 January 2024, in which Meg highlights the lack of transparency around the current independent Woolcott and Blake reviews into unresolved matter arising from the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s Response to Child...
Media Release: Woolcott and Blake Reviews Missing in Action
Transparency Needed on Independent Woolcott and Blake Commission of Inquiry-Related Reviews31 January 2024Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb today questioned why Tasmanians are being left in the dark over two independent reviews, undertaken by Peter Woolcott AO...
Article-MP Vote to Determine Judge’s Future
The Saturday Mercury | 9 December 2023; pgs 8-9.MP Vote to Determine Judge's FutureDavid Killick | Amber WilsonA Supreme Court judge accused of criminal offences could be suspended by a vote of state parliament on Tuesday after an 11th-hour deal to allay concerns by...
Article-Judge Blasts A-G for ‘Politicised’ Judiciary Hit
The Weekend Australian| 9-10 December 2023; pg 5.Judge Blasts A-G for ‘Politicised’ Judiciary HitMatthew DenholmA judge charged with assault has accused the state’s Attorney-General of prosecuting a political case against him and of undermining judicialindependence...
Online Article-Geason to be suspended via parliament motion after backdown over bill
The Examiner online | 8 December 2023.Geason to be suspended via parliament motion after backdown over billBenjamin SeederThe state government has backed down on a bill that was aimed at suspending or sacking a judge accused of a criminal offence, and will instead...