Media Release: Liberal-JLN Agreement Sells Parliament and Voters Short

Media Release: Liberal-JLN Agreement Sells Parliament and Voters Short

Liberal-JLN Agreement Sells Parliament and Voters Short11 April 2024Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb said the Jacquie Lambie Network (JLN) MPs should use the narrow window before the Rockliff government is recommissioned to walk away from the Agreement, and...

Article-‘No Consent’ for Museum to keep Autopsy Samples

Article-‘No Consent’ for Museum to keep Autopsy Samples

The Australian | 4 April 2024; pg 3.'No Consent' for Museum to keep Autopsy SamplesMatthew DenholmA museum appears to have kept samples from 147 coronial autopsies for research for three decades, potentially without consent, prompting an investigation and demands for...

ABC TV News Report – Police Abuse Complaints

ABC TV News Report – Police Abuse Complaints

Watch the ABC TV news report of Tuesday 19 March 2024, during which Meg raises concerns over revelations contained in Right to Information documents, indicating the former Police Minister was made aware of serious child abuse allegations against former police officer...

Article-Libs Vow to Throw Book at Kid Crims

Article-Libs Vow to Throw Book at Kid Crims

The Saturday Mercury | 2 March 2024; pg 4.Libs Vow to Throw Book at Kid CrimsDavid KillickThe Liberals have promised to "throw the book" at children who commit criminal offences, particularly young "crimfluencers" who post and boast on social media.The Comissioner for...

While pokies were closed
due to COVID-19
Tasmanians saved

Poker machines were closed in Tasmania on March 23, 2020
and reopened on June 26, 2020.
In 2018-19 Tasmanians lost $171,603,745 to poker machines