Media Releases
Media Release: Liberal-JLN Agreement Sells Parliament and Voters Short

Media Release: Liberal-JLN Agreement Sells Parliament and Voters Short

Liberal-JLN Agreement Sells Parliament and Voters Short11 April 2024Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb said the Jacquie Lambie Network (JLN) MPs should use the narrow window before the Rockliff government is recommissioned to walk away from the Agreement, and...

Media Comment: Reaction to DPAC Secretary Resignation

Media Comment: Reaction to DPAC Secretary Resignation

Reaction to DPAC Secretary Resignation25 March 2024Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb MLC has called for the replacement DPAC Secretary to be recruited from interstate and appointed by agreement of all parliamentary party leaders.“Parliament, the public service...

Media Release: Election Integrity Lessons Ignored by Major Parties

Media Release: Election Integrity Lessons Ignored by Major Parties

Integrity Lessons Ignored by Major Parties7 March 2024Independent for Nelson Meg Webb today called on all parties to put integrity at the forefront in this election campaign when making promises and announcing funding commitments.“Halfway through this election...

Media Release: Tasmanian Political Donations Laws Challenge

Media Release: Tasmanian Political Donations Laws Challenge

Premier Challenged over State Political Donations Disclosure Laws1 February 2024Independent for Nelson Meg Webb MLC said ongoing speculation of an early State election has raised concerns the Rockliff government may prioritise implementing the public funding...

Media Release: Woolcott and Blake Reviews Missing in Action

Media Release: Woolcott and Blake Reviews Missing in Action

Transparency Needed on Independent Woolcott and Blake Commission of Inquiry-Related Reviews31 January 2024Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb today questioned why Tasmanians are being left in the dark over two independent reviews, undertaken by Peter Woolcott AO...

While pokies were closed
due to COVID-19
Tasmanians saved

Poker machines were closed in Tasmania on March 23, 2020
and reopened on June 26, 2020.
In 2018-19 Tasmanians lost $171,603,745 to poker machines