Poker Machines
Tas Govt plan to slash tax rates known before election

Tas Govt plan to slash tax rates known before election

Alexandra Humphries | ABC News  | 18 August 2021  Crucial information withheld from the state’s major stakeholders - the Tasmanian people - during the election campaign. Meg Webb on ABC News Hobart.  Read Meg’s Media Release hereSee the RTI...

Premier hid casino tax rates RTI shows

Premier hid casino tax rates RTI shows

Leon Compton | ABC Mornings | 18 August 2021RTI documents which show Premier Peter Gutwein cut the new deal for the Federal Group casino pokies tax rate months before the 2021 State Election. Meg Webb with Leon Compton on ABC Mornings.  Read Meg's Media Release...

Casino tax rate deal exposed

Casino tax rate deal exposed

Media release | 18 August 2021   Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb today released RTI documents which show Premier Peter Gutwein cut the new deal for the Federal Group casino pokies tax rate months before the 2021 State Election.“I call on the Premier to come...

RTI – Future Gaming Markets Casino Licence Fees and Tax Rates

RTI – Future Gaming Markets Casino Licence Fees and Tax Rates

Information requested from Treasury and Finance on 19 July 2021. Decision received 17 August 2021.     RTI Request: All correspondence between the Treasurer and the Department of Treasury, and the Tasmanian Hospitality Association, Federal Group, and/or the Tasmanian...

Reducing pokies maximum bets has overwhelming support in Tas

Reducing pokies maximum bets has overwhelming support in Tas

Adam Holmes | Examiner Newspaper | 16 August 2021     The EMRS poll included 1000 respondents from August 7-9, with questions funded by Meg Webb MLC, former Liberal deputy premier Sir Max Bingham and HACSU state secretary Tim Jacobson.Tasmanians overwhelmingly support...

Pokies tax plan not popular with voters

Pokies tax plan not popular with voters

 David Killick | Mercury Newspaper | 16 August 2021  THE overwhelming majority of Tasmanians believe poker machines should be taxed at the same rate regardless of whether they are in pubs, clubs or casinos, new polling shows.Pollster EMRS surveyed 1000 Tasmanians...

Tasmanians support more Pokies harm minimisation

Tasmanians support more Pokies harm minimisation

7 News Tasmania | 15 August 2021   An ERMS poll shows Tasmanians overwhelmingly support lowering the maximum bet limit on poker machines from $5 to $1, having harm minimisation included in gaming reform, and taxing hotels and casino pokies at the same rate.  Read the...

Bid to cut losses on pokies

Bid to cut losses on pokies

 David Killick | Mercury Newspaper | 13 August 2021  MEMBERS of casino premium pokies programs will be required to put annual limits on their losses under a new scheme unveiled by the Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission.  It is the first time in Australia that...

Tasmania to introduce mandatory limits for pokies players

Tasmania to introduce mandatory limits for pokies players

Alexandra Humphries | ABC News Online | 14 August 2021   — but experts see too many loopholes  Eleven years ago, Robert Kreshl was living on the streets of Hobart, sick with pneumonia and pleurisy, $17,000 in debt and addicted to poker machines."It was pretty rough, I...

While pokies were closed
due to COVID-19
Tasmanians saved

Poker machines were closed in Tasmania on March 23, 2020
and reopened on June 26, 2020.
In 2018-19 Tasmanians lost $171,603,745 to poker machines