Poker Machines
Finally, a humane pokies plan

Finally, a humane pokies plan

The Mercury | Op-Ed | 21 September 2022THE introduction of universal pre-commitment cards could be the first time Tasmania has a pokies policy that hasn’t been dictated by the gambling industry.Given this state’s dark history of bowing to the wishes of the industry,...

Tasmania leads on limits for poker machine losses

Tasmania leads on limits for poker machine losses

Matthew Denholm | The Australian | 16 September 2022Tasmania leads on limits for poker machine losses Tasmanian Deputy Premier and Treasurer Michael Ferguson announcing nation-first poker machine loss limits in Hobart on Thursday. Tasmanian Deputy Premier and...

Pokies Critics Hail New Limits

Pokies Critics Hail New Limits

David Killick | The Mercury | 16 September 2022WORLD-LEADING reforms to limit the amount of money gamblers can lose on poker machines in the state’s pubs, clubs and casinos will be introduced by the Tasmanian government.Treasurer Michael Ferguson announced on Thursday...

ABC News – Pokies play

ABC News – Pokies play

ABC News | 15 September 2022 See more of Meg’s recent media.See more on Pokies Reform  

Media Release – Card-Based Pokies

Media Release – Card-Based Pokies

Independent Member for Nelson Meg Webb today welcomed the State Liberal Government’s introduction of a universal card-based method of using poker machines in venues.“While this will not stop all harm, it is a significant improvement in providing protection to...

While pokies were closed
due to COVID-19
Tasmanians saved

Poker machines were closed in Tasmania on March 23, 2020
and reopened on June 26, 2020.
In 2018-19 Tasmanians lost $171,603,745 to poker machines