Question – Check-in TAS app

Question – Check-in TAS app

Question – Check-in TAS app Questions asked by the Hon Meg WEBB MLC on 17 June 2021. Answered by the Minister for Health, Hon Jeremy Rockcliff MP on 29 June 2021. With regard to the COVID-19 Check in TAS App, will the Government detail:QUESTION (1) Whether the...
Question – TasTAFE Reform

Question – TasTAFE Reform

Question – TasTAFE Reform Questions asked by the Hon Meg Webb MLC on 17 June 2021. Answered  by the Hon Sarah Courtney Minister for Education on  24 June 2021.With regard to the proposed TasTAFE reforms, can the Government:Question 1. Detail whether any...
Question – TasTAFE Enrolments

Question – TasTAFE Enrolments

Question – TasTAFE Enrolments Questions asked by the Hon Meg Webb MLC on 17 June 2021. Answered  by the Hon Sarah Courtney Minister for Education on  24 June 2021.  With regard to TasTAFE, can the Government:Question 1: Provide the current total FTE and number...